• iPad printer configuration

    How to modify printer’s on an iPad. Step 1 Log into the Smarttab tablet and select More Step 2 NOTE!! If you have “Use POS Printer Assignment for Remote Instructions” toggled on you will see the default printer selection RECEIPT If you do not have the switch toggled on you will…

  • How to update STPOS app on iPads.

    From time to time, the mobile devices will require build updates for the STPOS application. This can be quickly completed in just a few steps. Here is a video showing how this can be done when an update is needed. iPad App Update

  • How to Load and Redeem SynergyWorld Gift Cards

    How to Load and Redeem SynergyWorld Gift Cards Gift Card LoadRedeem Vid How to load a SynergyWorld Gift Card. Prerequisites: Software must be updated to the latest build and merchant credentials must be inputted correctly in the Credit Card Processing section on the merchant’s SmartTab portal. Step 1 On the…

  • Lease Terms – Conversion *Credit* Applicable to Purchase Discount

    Lease Terms 1-year minimum, thereafter month to month Investment By SmartTab Non-Refundable. When SmartTab invests in your onsite infrastructure with time and materials, you may not be billed upfront for these services, but that does not mean that these services are free and can be misappropriated without fair compensation for…

  • Printer Blade Troubleshooting

    My printer blade isn’t working properly, how do I fix it? The cutting mechanism on your printer is vital to its functionality. If your cutter has jammed or isn’t working properly, check out the specific instructions for each printer below to help resolve the issue. If you’re experiencing a paper…

  • Hardware deterioration: What to do when your fingerprint reader stops working

    Step 1   Fingerprint readers are highly reliable and consistent when new, as your employees use them the reader will start to wear down and become less reliable.The lifespan of the hardware can be impacted by greasy hands and oils on fingerprints, eventually it becomes time to change out the…

  • Chargeback: How And Who To Respond To

    Step 1 If a business receives a letter from Expitrans regarding a chargeback they should follow the instructions on the notice and provide the requested evidence to Expitrans. Note: Expitrans does not make any decisions on the chargeback and has no control over the outcome. The customer’s issuing bank initiated…

  • Where To Purchase Receipt Printer Paper?

    Note: SmartTab is not a paper goods provider.   Step 1 If business reaches out requesting receipt printer paper please redirect them to the following sites to purchase paper: Sysco Staples Office Depot Amazon POS supply solution: https://www.possupply.com/smarttabpos 

  • Mobile POS is showing “oops this is embarrassing…”

    If your mobile POS is showing “oops this is embarrassing…” when trying to transact.   Step 1 Try rebooting and double checking network connectivity     Step 2 If you are still getting same issue then exit the app on iPad or turn iPad off and then on