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Lease Terms – Conversion *Credit* Applicable to Purchase Discount

Lease Terms

  1. 1-year minimum, thereafter month to month
    • Investment By SmartTab Non-Refundable. When SmartTab invests in your onsite infrastructure with time and materials, you may not be billed upfront for these services, but that does not mean that these services are free and can be misappropriated without fair compensation for such services as ordinary market price. Examples include running cat5, crimping cables, cleaning up network infrastructure and programming, adding network infrastructure including routers, switches, access points. It may also include network equipment that we cannot remove without disturbing your existing operation, which we will bill at no less than our cost. The time invested in your location includes the labor which we cannot remove and return the value, as well as incidental expenses like travel, lodging, and other expenses incurred in connection with the services rendered. SmartTab does its best to approximate a fair value to simply recoup our investment when you terminate your service on a lease within the first 12 months of service
  2. 5-year lease to own option
      • $200 per station, $100 per iPad buyout
      • Software fees are adjusted to the current retail price schedule
      • >> Notice << must be given after 5 years (60 months) of successful payments. Account must be brought to good standing if not in current good standing for notice to be accepted. 
  3. Within 60-Day Transition from Purchase <> Switch to Lease
    • Measured from first date of service where credit card sales > $100.00
    • Lease Payments made within the first 60 days apply in full toward Purchase terms negotiated 
  4. Beyond 60-Day Transition from Purchase <> Switch to Lease
  • Lease Start Date measured from first date of service where credit card sales > $100.00
    • Lease Payments made within the first 60 days do not apply
    • Calculation as follows:

      • Total Lease Payments. All payments made through the current term of the lease, minus
      • Software Portion made which is determined by calculating the number of months active service has been provided at a non-discounted software fee, which results in a 
      • Non-Software Portion, which is the remainder of the Total Lease Payment less the Software Portion, which then is discounted by a 35% cost of the Lease (65% of the Non-Software Portion), which is applicable as a credit to the original Final Invoice balance.
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