• SmartTab PCI breakdown

    Ipads 1.2.5: All services, protocols, and ports are identified, approved and have defined business needs 1.2.6: Security features are defined and implemented for all services, protocols, and ports that are in use and considered to be insecure, such that the risk is mitigated. 1.2.8: Configuration files for NSCs are: Secured…

  • How to Start Recovery Mode on the POS

    Prerequisite: Customer will need a keyboard plugged in.   Step 1 Power station off manually by holding down the power button on the bottom left hand area of the point of sale station.     Step 2 After the SmartTab logo from the screen turns off.  Turn the station back…

  • How to Process A Discount or Void

    Step 1 On the POS terminal select TAB at the bottom of the screen         Step 2 Choose the desired Tab         Step 3 Select the DISCOUNT button at the top-center of your screen         Step 4 A pop-up window will…

  • How To Create Items

    Step 1 Log into the back-end Portal (URL varies by Venue)     Step 2 Select the hamburger menu at the top-left of the screen     Step 3 Select Menu         Step 4 Select the Products tab at the top ( products is selected by default)  …

  • How to Create and Use Modifications (MODS) on your POS terminal

    Prerequisite: This function is completed from the back-end web URL. A user looking to change this setting will need the username and password to login into the back-end URL of their venue.     Step 1 Click on the hamburger menu in the top left of your web browser and…

  • How to Edit Timesheet

    Add A Shift     Step 1 Log into the Back-end     Step 2 Click on the Hamburger menu on the top-left     Step 3 Select Reports     Step 4 Select the Timesheet Tab         Step 5 Select the employee name from the drop…

  • How to Use Tables

    How to Create Tables     Step 1 Log into the Back-end Portal (URL varies by merchant)     Step 2 Select the Hamburger menu on the top-left     Step 3 Select Tables     Step 4 **If you do not yet have a Room** create a room by…