• Issuing a refund on a credit card charge from a previous business date.

    Issuing a refund on a credit card charge from a previous business date.   Prerequisite:  Need to be performed on a station or server (currently not supported on iOS).    Step 1 Find the business date at the bottom of the screen.     Step 2 Select the date of…

  • How To Transfer a Check

    Transfer individual items of a full check in seconds. *When transferring item(s) to a + NEW TAB stored credit card information does not transfer.     Step 1Open the tab you wish to transfer.     Step 2 Select the item(s) you wish to transfer and hit the “Transfer” button…

  • How to Merge a Check

    Combine 2 checks and store credit card payment for both. Merge adds the tab you have open to the tab you choose to merge it with.     Step 1 Open the tab you’d like to merge.     Step 2 Click the “Merge” button on the top left section…

  • Discounts

    How to Set Up Discount Groups and View Void History

  • Modifiers

    How To Set Up and Assign Modifiers Per Reporting Group

  • Adding Products

    How to add new products to your menu and adjust tax settings.

  • How To Store Credit Card Info

    How to store payment when your internet is not working     Step 1 Click “Credit” at the bottom of your POS screen.      Step 2A pop up will appear with a “Click Here To Store Button”, select the button and swipe the credit card to store the information….