Protected: How To Calibrate POS Station Touch Screen
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Step 1 To access these ports a person must unscrew the Thumb Screw and remove the protective cover. Note: It’s unlikely that these connections become loose or unplugged.
Note: Changes will be applied within 2-4 business days once the email with the following information has been received. Please direct clients to email their requests to Notify them to include: Legal Entity Name Doing Business As Name Their First Name And Last Name Their email address An…
Prerequisite: Customer must have Internet access to a laptop/desktop/phone or tablet. Step 1 Gather the following information: Legal Entity Name of Venue Venue DBA (Doing Business As) Copy of Valid Driver’s License or State ID Copy of a Voided Check or a Bank Verification Letter from the new…
Prerequisite: Must be onsite and have the ability to locate the SmartTab Router Step 1 Recycle power to the POS router by unplugging for 10 seconds and reply plugging it back into the power source. This allows the router to take the new credentials from their new modem
Step 1 How To Store Credit Card Info From POS station go through normal steps to charge a card that had a tab. Step 2 Merchant must go to POS, login to POS, access prior business date through calendar at the bottom of the screen, and then locate…
Prerequisite: On-site and able to access a stationary POS Station. *You cannot do this with a mobile POS, aka iPad system. If your venue has 2 or more POS stations, there is a good chance your main station will be located in an office or A/V rack. It…
Missing deposits All payments related questions can be emailed to: Please provide Expitrans with additional information: Venue name Date of deposit Deposit amount Your name Please cc/ in your email.
Gift Card Requests We’ve partnered with Synergy World to provide integrated Gift cards which you will be able to process on your Smarttab POS. Please Download The Pricing Guide and Relevant Documents You’ll Need To Get Started. Synergy Gift Card Doc’s Please review the pricing guide, gather your logo…