General guidelines: When credit card payments are not processing, 99% of the time that means the internet is not working. This can sometimes be resolved by power cycling the modem from the ISP (ex. Comcast, Spectrum, Monkey Brain, AT&T, etc.)
Pre-requisite: Must be onsite and able to locate the router.
See Also: Internet Connectivity Trouble Shooting
Step 1
Steps if your location has a Dream Machine. It usually has a blue glowing ring around the top *example image below.
Step 2
First confirm the internet cable going into the input of the Dream Machine is securely inserted. Then pull the power cable directly from the Dream Machine. *The power cable will be white & flat.
Step 3
After you unplug the power cable, wait 30 seconds and then plug it back in. It will take several minutes before the Dream Machine restarts fully. You will hear a doorbell like sound when it has restarted fully.
Step 4
If that does not work please escalate and contact the processing company directly.
22412 Gilberto, Suite B
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688