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  3. How to give or remove permission for a role to open a cash drawer with no sale

How to give or remove permission for a role to open a cash drawer with no sale

Prerequisite: This function is completed from the back-end web URL.
A user looking to change this setting will need the username and password to login into the back-end URL of their venue.



Step 1

Click on the Hamburger menu in the top left of your web browser





Step 2

Navigate to the STAFF link





Step 3

Select ROLES and navigate to the position name that matches the privilege permission that needs to be changed.





Step 4

Once determined, scroll down to ACCESS and look for the row labeled “Open drawer/No sale”





Step 5

If the box is checked then the “no sale” button will appear on POS terminal. **If unchecked then the “no sale” button will not appear.












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